Dr. Ashley Rosenbaum
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Benefits of a Dental Prophylaxis Treatment 

January 12, 2022

If you’re like most parents, you’re probably having a tough time teaching your child how to prevent tooth decay and cavities. One of the best ways to keep your little one’s mouth healthy is to schedule their first dental prophylaxis in Coral Gables.

Also known as dental cleaning, this routine procedure eliminates plaque and tartar that accumulate in between and under the gums and on the surfaces of the teeth. Dental experts recommend scheduling your child’s first dental cleaning when most of their baby teeth have erupted. This procedure should take place during their toddler years between the ages of 12 and 36 months.

A pediatric patient gets dental prophylaxis in Coral Gables

Top Reasons Why Your Child Should Get a Dental Prophylaxis

It Prevents Tooth Decay

A sticky and colorless film of bacteria called plaque that constantly forms on teeth will eventually eat away the enamel.  With regular brushing and flossing, your child can get rid of plaque. Without good oral hygiene habits and regular dental cleanings, plaque that’s left to accumulate on their teeth will eventually harden into cavity-causing tartar.

It Prevents Gum Disease

A silent infection called gum disease or periodontal disease could also result from plaque build-up on your child’s teeth. Gum disease is one of the common causes of tooth loss in adults. The signs and symptoms of this condition include red, swollen, bleeding, and tender gums, mouth sores, chronic bad breath, and the build-up of pus between the teeth and gums.

Since the early stages of gum disease are reversible, good oral hygiene practices and regular oral prophylaxis will stop this disease in its tracks.

It Eliminates Extrinsic Stains

If your child has poor oral hygiene or regularly consumes dark-colored foods and drinks, don’t be surprised to see unsightly stains on the surface of their teeth. Luckily, a thorough professional dental cleaning can effectively clean off stains.

A smiling pediatric patient needing Dental Prophylaxis in Coral Gables

Schedule Your Child’s First Dental Prophylaxis in Coral Gables!

At Premier Pediatric Dentistry, we aim to provide personalized care tailored to your child’s unique needs. Contact us today to make an appointment.

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